
Cuba heads to its first Summit of the Americas; Edible Weeds!

bracken fern fiddleheadsIn a time of drought, how about eating plants that grow without irrigation? We’ll talk with UC Berkeley Professor Philip Stark about wild food and urban foraging. But first, Cuba’s about to attend its very first Summit of the Americas–we speak with University of California – Santa Cruz professor of Latin American studies Hector Perla. And if you’re wondering what to do this weekend, the International Buddhist Film Festival is happening in Marin–we’ll get a preview from festival director Gaetano Maida.

Guests on this program:

Hector Perla, Assistant Professor Latin American and Latino Studies at UC Santa Cruz.

Philip Stark, principal investigator at Berkeley Open Source Food also chair of UC Berkeley’s Statistics Department

Gaetano Maida, Director of the International Buddhist Film Festival

[logo for International Buddhist Film Festival 2015 Bay Area above April 10-16 co-presented by Buddhist Film Foundation and California Film Institute on an orange patterned background with center white glow]


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