The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Allying with the Ocean, Allying with Creation

Caroline enthusiastically re-hosts David Gallo, Deep, Deep Ocean scientist. “A pioneer in ocean exploration, David Gallo is an enthusiastic ambassador between the sea and those of us on dry land.” Filing scouting reports on #biomimicry, the re-cahooting of science and wonder, reverie & aha! all our kin eager to guide us humans, back into the choreography of creation…

David Gallo is an American oceanographer and explorer. For nearly 30 years he was Director of Special Projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – a preeminent, globally recognized scientific laboratory. Subsequently he was Senior Adviser for Strategic Initiatives at RMSTitanic Inc., a position he had to give up because of CoVid-19. Today, although independent he remains at the forefront of ocean exploration, participating in, being witness to and communicating the development of new technologies and scientific discoveries that shape our view of planet earth.

Dry Earth, to the right is All the Water in the World (Volume), and the speck to the right of that is All the Fresh Water (Visualization by Dave Gallo) Click to enlarge

He feels strongly that instead of taking the oceans for granted we need to recognize the oceans critical role in providing the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. The oceans hold the clues to our past, they control our present, and they are the key to future life on this planet. In recognition of his role in exploration and science communications David is a recipient of a Computerworld-Smithsonian Award, the Explorer’s Club Lowell Thomas Medal, and the Frances Hutchinson Medal of the Garden Clubs of America. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a National Fellow of The Explorers Club, a TED-All Star, and a recipient of the Lotus Club Distinguished Achievement Award.