The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – True Lammas

Starhawk (Credit: Stephan Readmond)

To animate True Lammas (exact mid-season, one of the 4 cross-quarter holy days, Gates of Power) today! Caroline welcomes Star Hawk, indefatigable pragmatic mystic, that we may call in the Power to animate the desirable,

in accord with Dion Fortune, holding steady to a vision of the desirable outcome…no matter what, tis our default setting.

“Starhawk is an author, activist, permaculture designer and teacher, and a prominent voice in modern earth-based spirituality and ecofeminism. She is the author or co-author of thirteen books, including The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess and the ecotopian novel The Fifth Sacred Thing, and its sequel City of Refuge.

Her most recent non-fiction book is The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, on group dynamics, power, conflict and communications. Starhawkfounded Earth Activist Training, teaching permaculture design grounded in spirituality and with a focus on activism. She travels internationally, lecturing and teaching on earth-based spirituality, the tools of ritual, and the skills of activism.”


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