The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Folklore v FolQlore

Folklore v FolQlore… Toxic mimic v authentic.

Caroline welcomes Sophia Moskalenko, an expert on the psychology of fairy tales, co-author with Mia Bloom of “How Faery tales shape fighting spirit – Ukranian v Russian Fairy tales,” and “Pastels and Pedophiles – inside the mind of QAnon.”

Cons create cults… authentic creates Community

Delusion – illusion…

Superstition or participatory symbolism…?

Sophia Moskalenko received her Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Her studies and research have focused on the psychology of radicalization, terrorism, martyrdom, and disinformation. Moskalenko’s work has been presented in scientific conferences, government briefings, radio broadcasts, and international television newscasts. With Clark McCauley, she authored “Friction: How conflict radicalizes them and us” (2011, David E. Sears award for best book in political psychology) “The Marvel of Martyrdom: the power of self-sacrifice in a selfish world” (2019) and “Radicalization to terrorism: what everyone needs to know” (2020). She has contributed to Psychology Today, Salon, The Conversation, Haaretz, NBC, New Lines, and other publications.

Article: “How fairy tales shape fighting spirit: Ukraine’s children hear bedtime stories of underdog heroes, while Russian children hear tales of magical success” by Mia Bloom & Sophia Moskalenko [The Conversation]



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