Terra Verde

Climate Change and the Food We Eat

For years, there was one part of the climate puzzle that didn’t get quite as much attention as, say, transportation or renewable energy — and that’s food and agriculture. Recently, however, the climate-food intersection has been drawing more headlines, and that’s good news: Scientists estimate that up to a third of greenhouse gas emissions can be linked to the food we eat in some way or another. That means that changes to our foo system can make a big difference in the fight to stem global warming.

On the flip side of things, we’re starting to see how climate change is impacting our food, and the people who grow it.

Terra Verde host and Earth Island Journal Managing Editor Zoe Loftus-Farren talks with Karen Brown, Creative Director of the Center for Ecoliteracy, and Renata Brillinger, Executive Director of the California Climate and Agriculture Network , about the many ways that our food is impacting the climate and vice versa.

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