Terra Verde

The Campaign to End Wildlife Killing Contests

Every winter, hunters gather across the United States to partake in a uniquely American activity: predator killing contests. These events are pretty much what they sound like — contests to see who can kill the most or biggest coyotes, bobcats, foxes and other native carnivores, often in the name of wildlife management. Those who prevail are awarded significant cash purses and other prizes, including hunting equipment.

Thanks to the tireless work of wildlife advocates, the controversial events have faced increasing scrutiny in recent years, including from scientists, wildlife management officials, and even some hunters. Camilla Fox, founder and director of Project Coyote, and Jill Fritz, senior director of wildlife protection with the Humane Society of the United States join Terra Verde host and Earth Island Journal Managing Editor Zoe Loftus-Farren to discuss the problematic nature of these contests as well as the campaign to end them.