Talk-It-Out Radio

Examining the Role of Blame In Communication and Within Our Society; Building Practices To Move Beyond Blame


Talk It Out Radio – Sunday, December 30, 7:00 pm, on KPFA Radio (94.1 FM Berkeley and beyond, or livestream at

Have you found yourself frustrated and horrified reading media statements like ” President Trump blames Democrats over deaths of Migrant Children in US Custody?”. Were you outraged when you heard that President Trump’s tweeted his support for Brett Kavanaugh, who allegedly tried to rape Christine Blasey Ford in the 1980’s and stated ” I have no doubt that if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents, Trump tweeted, blaming the victim of a sexual crime for not speaking up sooner. He was quoted as saying ” I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn the date, time and place!”  Have you felt troubled when you hear co-workers or management blame individuals based on their own personal bias or subjective evaluation for issues you believe are far more complicated because of the reality that most workplaces are not free of racial, class or gender inequality? Do you find yourself on the receiving end of blame in your primary partnership, or within core relationships in your family?  Talk it Out Radio host and co-producer, Nancy Kahn, examines the role of blame across different philosophical perspectives. Nancy, has 20 years experience as facilitator, consultant, trainer, mediator and practitioner of Nonviolent Communication Across Differences, shares practices that empower people to transform blame into opportunities for understanding, authentic self expression, empathic connection, dignity, inclusion and heightened awareness across social justice issues. Listen live or, after the show airs, visit the archives at or iTunes.

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