Pushing Limits

IHSS Electronic Visit Verification: All We Know – and the things we don’t


Graphic courtesy of CASATunr/VimeoE

Electronic visit verification is a component of the 21st century CURES Act of 2016. It was a sneaky little poison pill added to the act and no one likes it…Except those who believe workers and recipients are ALL fraudulent pirates who MUST BE STOPPED! It will affect all in-home care programs including California’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS). And, if states do not implement it, they’ll lose critical funding for Medicaid (that’s Medi-Cal in California).

Many states have already begun implementation of this federal requirement with many Orwellian results, so workers and recipients in California are VERY concerned about what the future will look like for people with disabilities. There is yet hope! Our privacy protectors have already won an important delay in the start date and they are working on long term fixes.

Hannah Karpilow, a home care worker, and Marissa Shaw, a recipient of in-home supportive services and Supportive Living Services join Sheela Gunn-Cushman and Alysa Chadow to discuss this prickly complex issue.

Community Forum and Roundtable Discussions

Bay Area – Berkeley
Monday, April 23,  3-4:30 pm
Ed Roberts Campus
3075 Adeline St.  Berkeley

Tuesday, April 24, 4-6 pm
SEIU Local 2015
West Sacramento Office
691 W. Capitol Ave, West Sacramento

Los Angeles
Thursday, April 26, 4-6 pm
SEIU Local Headquarters
2910 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles

The only entities benefiting
from this EVV mandate
are the EVV vendors!

Richard Daggett, President, Polio Survivors Association
Member, American Academy of Home Care Medicine
[email protected]

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