Project Censored

Project Censored – June 19, 2015

Following a nonfatal outbreak of measles that began at Disneyland, the California Legislature is debating a bill (SB 277) to outlaw parental choice about childhood vaccinations. The bill would include the measles vaccine, as well as nine others. Today’s guests support vaccinations, but oppose making them compulsory; they discuss the issues involved from a variety of perspectives, including law, civil rights, and medical ethics. Caitlyn Obolsky and Robert Krakow are attorneys; Elliot Cohen teaches ethics at Florida State University Medical School; Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist; Lori Martin Gregory is editor of the Mom Street Journal.

One response to “Project Censored – June 19, 2015

  1. When I brought up vaccinations with my daughters’ pediatrician (she was pushing HPV really hard) she then added a note on their charts TO NOT contact me regarding their vaccinations! Fortunately, my oldest daughter stood up to her. But when it came time for my youngest daughter to get the shots, I was not contacted and was kept out of the loop and only heard about it after two shots were administered.

    I have no problem with vaccines in principle, but there is NO Quality control that I can see and when they mix three different vaccines together and give them at once, again with no outside quality control, this is sheer madness, imo.

    The pediatrician got really steamed when I asked her if she ever tested any of the vaccines and if the FDA ever approved anything that was later found to be hazardous to human health, as she expressed unquestioning faith in the quality of the vaccines and the FDA.

    Every human has different biology, thus every vaccine is a shot in the dark for each person.

    The truth shall set us free, but it won’t necessarily make you happy.

    Love is the only way forward.

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