Project Censored has released “Censored 2024,” the latest in the Project’s series of annual volumes detailing the shortcomings of media giants and the accomplishments of independent media. The best-known feature of each year’s book is the “Top 25” list of most significant stories overlooked or underreported by the corporate media.
On this week’s radio show, Mickey is joined by two contributors to the annual volumes; they discuss what kinds of stories are most-likely to be censored by corporate media and why. We also hear an alert about the ever-increasing number of conservative attempts to ban or restrict disfavored books at school and public libraries.
Andy Lee Roth is Associate Director of Project Censored, coordinator of its Campus Affiliates Program, and a widely-published media analyst. Media scholar Steve Macek teaches at North Central College in suburban Chicago, and has contributed to multiple Project Censored yearbooks.