Project Censored

Journalism behind bars / Palestine and international law

Eleanor Goldfield hosts this week’s show. In the first half-hour, we hear the story of a Texas prison inmate, his struggle to publicize the abuses that go on behind the walls, and the prison authorities’ efforts to suppress his work and retaliate against him. We also discuss the significance of prison journalism in the overall battle for press freedom.

In the second half, the latest about Palestine, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). A legal expert examines the recent ICJ opinion on the illegality of the Israeli occupation, as well as the ICC’s possible issuance of an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Resources on Incarceration:


Jeremy Busby, inmate #00881193 in the Texas prison system, is a journalist who covers prison life from the inside. His writing can be found at and other outlets. His personal web site is

Seth Stern is Director of Advocacy at Freedom of the Press Foundation (

Hassan Ben Imran is a member of the governing council of Law for Palestine ( and a researcher in law at the University of Galway in Ireland.



Artist Song Album Label
LetheretteWoop Baby (Extended Version)Woop Baby (Extended Version)Wulf
S.O.N.Free Palestineblood and firemorning light records
Junkyard EmpireWe WantWe Want (Single)MediaRoots Music
BakarHell N BackHell N BackBlack Butter