Letters and Politics

A History of American Populism

With Steve Fraser, historian, writer and co-editor of the American Empire Project. He  is the author of The Age of Acquiescence, among other works.  His new book is The Limousine Liberal: How an Incendiary Image United the Right and Fractured America.

About the book:

limousine-liberalSteve Fraser examines the history of right-wing populism in modern America. From Henry Ford decrying an improbable alliance of Jews, bankers, and Bolsheviks in the 1920s to the Tea Party’s vehement hatred of Hillary Clinton, the fear of the limousine liberal has stoked right-wing populism for nearly a century.

The Limousine Liberal tells an extraordinary story of why the most privileged and powerful elements of American society were indicted as subversives and reveals the reality that undergirds that myth.  It goes to the heart of the great political transformation of the postwar era: the rise of the conservative right and the unmaking of the liberal consensus.


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