Letters and Politics

The Iran Nuclear Talks and the History of US/Iran Relations

With Mansour Farhang, professor of international relations at Bennington College, Vermont. He resigned from his post as revolutionary Iran’s first ambassador to the United Nations when Khomeini’s regime refused to accept the UN’s recommendation to release its US hostages. He is author of U.S. Imperialism: The Spanish-American War to the Iranian Revolution and co-author of The U.S. Press and Iran: Foreign Policy and the Journalism of Deference.

We’ll discuss the current Iran Nuclear Talks. The talks were scheduled to end July 7th but have been extended several days. We’ll also talk about the history of US relations with Iran.

2 responses to “The Iran Nuclear Talks and the History of US/Iran Relations

  1. What a great interview. Amazing and insightful and honest.

    Take home message from my standpoint:

    At the same time we (the West and its negotiators) are working to achieve a nuclear deal with the Theocracy of Iran, we are also supposed to trust the very same people in Iran who betrayed the aspirations of their own Iranian people.

    We are supposed to see Ayatollah Khameneias being an honest actor and yet this fraudster admits to using lies and deceit as a acceptable means for achieving religious objectives and the oppression of the Iranian people. 15,000+ Iranians who struggled for democracy by overthrowing the Shah were then executed at the hands of the Ayatollah.

    Trusting such a regime and such a monstrous theocratic police state should have been a non-starter from the outset. Iran cannot be trusted and we should not do so under any circumstances.

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