Letters and Politics

Fund Drive Special – Matriarchal History and Women’s Changing Influence in Society

Approximately 1.5 million years ago, women were revered as priestesses and honored for their ability to bear children. Archaeological evidence, such as ancient Venus statues, seems to support this. But by the late reign of the Roman Empire, there were movements to push women out and lessen their influence. When the Christian church rose to power, they adopted much of the Roman way and women’s role in society was greatly diminished, and their history of power purposefully forgotten. Thus began the patriarchy. Today, we bring you a special conversation with Max Dashu on the history of women’s influence in history and matriarchal societies, as well as the suppression of their power over time.


Guest: Max Dashu is an American feminist historian, author, and artist. She is considered an expert in female iconography, mother-right cultures and the origins of patriarchy. She founded the Suppressed Histories Archives and has recently authored a book entitled Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700-1100.


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  • BOOK: Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700-1100 $150
  • USB: Letters & Politics: The Ancient History Pack $180
  • COMBO: All of the above $300

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