Letters and Politics

The Year That Made Hitler; The Thing with Feathers

With Peter Ross Range, world-traveled journalist who has covered war, politics and international affairs. A specialist in Germany, his latest book is 1924: The Year That Made Hitler.

And Noah Strycker. Noah Strycker, 29, is living an adventurous life of birds. In 2015, he set a new world big year record by seeing 6,042 bird species in a single calendar year. He is Associate Editor of Birding magazine, former columnist known as “BirdBoy” in WildBird magazine, and frequent contributor to other bird-related publications. He is author of the book The Thing With Feathers: The Surprising Lives of Birds and What They Reveal about Being Human. 

About 1924: 

Before Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, there was 1924. This was the year of Hitler’s final transformation into the self-proclaimed savior and infallible leader who would interpret and distort Germany’s historical traditions to support his vision for the Third Reich.

Everything that would come–the rallies and riots, the single-minded deployment of a catastrophically evil idea–all of it crystallized in one defining year. 1924 was the year that Hitler spent locked away from society, in prison and surrounded by co-conspirators of the failed Beer Hall Putsch. It was a year of deep reading and intensive writing, a year of courtroom speeches and a treason trial, a year of slowly walking gravel paths and spouting ideology while working feverishly on the book that became his manifesto: Mein Kampf.

Until now, no one has fully examined this single and pivotal period of Hitler’s life. In 1924, Peter Ross Range richly depicts the stories and scenes of a year vital to understanding the man and the brutality he wrought in a war that changed the world forever.

About the Thing With Feathers: 

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