Letters and Politics

History of US-Guam Relationships and the History of Hiroshima

On today’s show host Mitch Jeserich interviews Catherine Lutz about the history of US-Guam relationships. Catherine Lutz is a professor at the Watson Institute at Brown University.



Just a year after the US atomic bombing of Japan in 1945, American journalist John Hersey traveled to Japan and wrote a lengthy three-part series for the New Yorker that would become the classic book Hiroshima.

It was the first account of Japanese survivors written in English and it would have a dramatic effect on the popular narrative of the bombing here in the United States and continue to influence the debate on the ethics of such a bombing today.

We’ll talk about the history and influence of the book with Patrick B Sharp, Professor of Liberal Studies at California State University Los Angeles and author of the paper From Yellow Peril to Japanese Wasteland: John Hersey’s “Hiroshima.” 

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