
Flashpoints – September 29, 2017

An award winning front-line investigative news magazine, that focuses on human, civil and workers right, issues of war and peace, Global Warming, racism and poverty, and other issues. Hosted by Dennis J. Bernstein.

2 responses to “Flashpoints – September 29, 2017

  1. Dennis, It is not strange to anyone that your guest does not mention Cambodia where more than a million human beings were murdered by your team, the Communists. Your bloviating fool of a guest can look back with 20/20 hindsight and pass judgement on the Cold and Hot wars only because he has blinkers on that keep him from seeing the piles and piles of bodies racked up under your lovely socialists.

  2. Yes, it is horrible that Trump started the Korean and Vietnam wars. He has time-travel powers. Got it.

    Do you folks ever get embarrassed by your own ridiculous distortions of history? Is there even any shame when you hate on the very nation that allows you to 1) eat well 2)have social benefits and 3) Speak your sedition with no fear of government reprisal? These are things that NO socialist regime has ever allowed its people. Oh, but the “Liberals get the bullet, too.” or so your Arachist-Communist pals like to say by way of an “argument”. Right, Dennis?

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