
A New Speech by Dr. Mustafa Barghouti.

Today on Flashpoints: Trump top adviser on Israeli peace talks, Jared Kushner, failed to disclose in government ethics filings his role as director of a family foundation that funded Israeli settlements. We’ll speak to Electronic intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah. And then we’ll hear excerpts from a brand new speech by Leading Palestinian spokesperson, Mustafa Barghouti, on the devastating impact of the Balfour Declaration that cleared the way for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian from their land to make room for the new State if Israel.

2 responses to “A New Speech by Dr. Mustafa Barghouti.

  1. Purpose of the Jewish faith is to reach the ultimate conclusion of using force to turn Canaan into the Promised Land by a genocide. Sad to say, a second genocide is on the way.

    Purpose of the Christian faith is to reach the ultimate conclusion of the command, “Do not use force to overcome evil. If the strike you on the right cheek…” A pacifist religion, a foretaste of heaven but sad to say, one that reverted to a Catholic religion with a war-hawk profession.

    Purpose of the Muslim faith is to reach the ultimate conclusion of using force only in self-defense. For when Israeli Jews and U.S. Christians use bombers to make body parts out of Muslim babies it raises the question, which is the better of two evils?

    Worldwide, there is a two-class society with the educated upper-half owning all the land, wealth, political power and most of the healthcare. So, as Palestine is in the impoverished lower-half of society, as educated Israel is in the privileged upper-half, the last thing that Palestine should do is enter into a one-state solution with wealth hoarding Israel.

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