
The US Role in Afghanistan. Trump’s Case For Sheriff Arpaio

Today on Flashpoints, we continue our coverage and analysis of the US role in Afghanistan with two special segments: first we speak with Dr. Farid Younos the author of the book Democratic Imperialism and critic of US foreign policy in his home country of Afghanistan. He says he likes the new direction of Trump’s policy there, we follow that with a discussion with two veterans who served in Afghanistan to hear their opinions of the latest call for US military escalation there. Finally we go to Phoenix Arizona, no we’re not talking about Trump’s rally there last night, instead we speak with a community activist jailed by former Sheriff Joe Arpaio who is currently charged with contempt for failing to stop his practice of racial profiling. President Trump hinted last night in Phoenix that he is considering a pardon for the sheriff signalling tacit approval for his racist law enforcement practices.

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