Democracy Now 6am

The Endless War Grows: Obama Sends U.S. Forces to Syria, Reversing Pledge of No Boots on the Ground

ObamaThe Endless War Grows: Obama Sends U.S. Forces to Syria, Reversing Pledge of No Boots on the Ground; Andrew Bacevich: Ongoing Wars in Iraq & Syria Continue Decades of Failed U.S. Militarism in Mideast; More Countries Than Ever Are Bombing Syria — Will They Find a Way to Make Peace? Turkish President Erdogan Regains Parliamentary Majority in Vote Held Amid Violence & Fear.

One response to “The Endless War Grows: Obama Sends U.S. Forces to Syria, Reversing Pledge of No Boots on the Ground

  1. Barack O’Bomber.The first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner.
    Medecines sands Frontiers

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