Democracy Now 6am

“We Must & Can Aim High”: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Endorsing Bernie Sanders

Robert ReichSuper Tuesday: Amid Protests over Racism, Donald Trump Appears Poised to Triumph in Key Contests; Donald Trump Wants to Commit War Crimes and Neocons Still Think He’s Too Moderate; “We Must & Can Aim High”: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Endorsing Bernie Sanders; Robert Reich: Donald Trump Isn’t a Conservative, He is an Authoritarian.

One response to ““We Must & Can Aim High”: Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Endorsing Bernie Sanders

  1. Secret service acting like thugs for racist presidential billionaire candidates–this is alarming!! Will they do anything? Have they no code of conduct? Its hard to forget all the lazy deliberate mistakes the secret service made “protecting” Obama.

    I am alarmed. The quiet fascism is rearing its head–and it will soon be open and proud and spreading its wings. And deadly. It is deadly now–but soon it will not apologize.

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