Democracy Now 6am

Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket & Continue Your Political Revolution

Jill and BernieJill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket & Continue Your Political Revolution; Green Party’s Jill Stein: What We Fear from Donald Trump, We Have Already Seen from Hillary Clinton; Debate: Is Cuomo’s Crackdown on BDS Unconstitutional McCarthyism or a Stand Against Anti-Semitism?; As 13M People Read Stanford Victim’s Letter, Advocates See “Watershed” Moment in Fight Against Rape.

9 responses to “Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket & Continue Your Political Revolution

  1. If We boycotted Nazi Germany and NYC said we boycott you for boycotting Hitler–we would be appalled. How dare NYC take the side of monsters!? I boycott NYC! I call on everyone to boycott NYC and Israel. Free Palestine! Free the children of Palestine! The children you are bombing!

    We are Legion.

  2. Jill Stein is my President. Clinton will never be my president. Clinton is illegitimate. Clinton is criminal, a corporate shill. The progressive media has behaved like a sheepherder. It is time to vote your conscious–NOW or never. Don’t vote the lesser evil–VOTE for the greater good–voting the lesser evil takes votes away from the only democratic candidate–Jill Stein.

    If not now, when? If not you,–who? America matters. Our children matter. Clinton does not care about your children–she only cares about power–she craves it–and she only cares about the children of the 1%. She schemes.

  3. Boycot Israel! Boycott New York–my home state! The goals of COSMIC Cuomo and Israel –are UGLY! YEAH–JUST KEEP BOMING CHILDREN AND STEALING LAND. ISRAELI SAVAGES!

  4. “if you believe in the free exchange of ideas!”–then you have to boycott Israel!

    Wow! this guy twists everything. evil.

    I’ll answer the question—Russia and china and other countries are NOT committing genocide–they are not murdering a whole people since biblical times! Why can’t you even say the world–Palestinian!

    Long live Palestine! long live Palestine! Long live Palestine! Stop the Israeli terrorists! your guest is so hateful of areas–it seethes from the hole in his mouth. Shame Amy.

  5. The rape of this woman–the Harvard professors making the rapist the victim–that is exactly what Israelis do with Palestine! Boycott Harvard. Boycott Israel. Boycott Clinton. Boycott DC authority!

    We are legion!

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