Against the Grain

Soil, Science, and the Left

Soil is essential for terrestrial life on earth.  And like so many other parts of the environment, it’s under threat, degraded in a world where it’s being built on, contaminated, and eroded. Geographer Salvatore Engel-DiMauro argues that soil also highlights the many problems that the left has with understanding both the social and scientific, or biophysical processes, of nature. He discusses soil and what it tells us about humans’ relationship with the rest of the environment.


Salvatore Engel-DiMauro’s Website

Salvatore Engel-DiMauro, Ecology, Soils, and the Left: An Ecosocial Approach Palgrave, 2014

One response to “Soil, Science, and the Left

  1. Everyone should see “The Symphony of the Soil” which graphically illustrates how RoundUp damages the soil–and how productive non-chemical alternative practices can be. The same producer made “The Future of Food” which is on Youtube. The “Symphony” video is exactly what PBS should be showing but so far as I know no affiliates have picked it up despite being offered. Looming in the background is the pervasive influence of the corporate donors, in this case Monsanto.

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