Today’s Terra Verde includes stories of illegal drugs grown in hidden compounds, indiscriminate killings and gruesome deaths. This segment is not, however, a news story about a foreign drug haven. Nor is it about the latest show on cable TV. Instead, it is about the secret life of super-toxic rat poisons, and the risks they pose to wildlife, birds, pets, and children in California. With us today in the studio is Lisa Owens-Viani, Founder and Director of Raptors Are the Solution, based in Berkeley. Joining us by phone are Mourad Gabriel, Research Scientist at the Fisher Disease Ecology Project of the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at UC Davis and Co-Founder, President, and Senior Ecologist of the Integral Ecology Resource Center, based in Humboldt County and Kaci Buhl, Project Coordinator with the National Pesticide Information Center, which is based at Oregon State University at Corvalis. Hosted by Adrienne Fitch-Frankel.