Pushing Limits

Special Broadcast

Pushing Limits – February 3, 2012

We’ve officially entered California’s budget season, the season when shredding safety nets for
people with disabilities and seniors is en vogue. Every year the California legislature creatively
cuts the budget on the backs of the poor. And, this year is no different. Or is it?

A 60 minute special on this year’s budgetary landscape. We’ll talk to Marty Omoto, director of the
California Disability Community Action Network (CDCAN), Kathie Kates, an IHSS worker caring for her
86 year old mother, and Nancy Becker Kennedy of the new IHSS Consumers Union. With a commentary by
Jacob Lesner-Buxton.

Adrienne Lauby, Shelley Berman. and Eddie Ytuarte host this fund drive program.

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