Special Broadcast

Sunday Morning – August 19, 2007

In the first hour Peter welcomes Mother Jones publisher Jay Harris to
the KPFA studios to talk about a special investigation the magazine
conducted of a school for mentally retarded, autistic, and emotionally
troubled children. Using taxpayer dollars, the school treats
student-patients from several states with a severe routine that
includes painful electric shocks administered to those who deviate
from the regulations. Peter and Jay also talk about the state of
investigative journalism in America, with input from the audience.

Later in the hour news commentator Travus. T. Hipp joins the show from
his Nevada hideaway. Hipp, an old Berkeley hand, well known to radio
listeners as the self-described "poor hippie’s Paul Harvey", was just
arrested by Nevada police and accused of being a drug dealer. Police
found four ounces of marijuana in his home. Hipp’s response, "I’m not
a threat to the community. I’m not a threat to anybody. I’m 70 years

In the second hour Peter is joined in the studio by Uwe Jacobs, the
director of Survivors International, a network of doctors,
psychologists, and lawyers working with refugees and immigrants who
survived torture or war trauma. The conversation deals with the
psychic wreckage created by the Iraq War and with the debate at the
American Psychological Association convention regarding the role of
psychologists working with the U.S. military. Callers from the
audience add their experience and points of view.

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