Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – March 29, 2010

Two interviews about conventions and marches that are important to keeping women's issues on the front burner.  Lisa Dettmer will talk to feminist activist and scholar Judith Ezekiel about the herstory of International Women's Day which was reactivated in the 1960's by Laura X right here in Berkeley, and about  why it is  important  to maintain IWD celebrations, and  to prevent it message and history from being co-opted.
And this month is also the 15th anniversary of the historic  UN Fourth World Conference on Women  held in Beijing, China, that put women's rights agenda center stage. Preeti Shakar talks to Charlotte Bunch about the importance of the Beijing Conference and the U.N. in fostering women's human rights. Bunch is a pioneering feminist and  is one of the foremost advocates of the inclusion of gender and sexual orientation on global human rights agendas.
And we will also  feature the women's community calendar  listing  local women's events.
You can also catch that show and all of our shows on or blog at  http://kpfawomensmag.blogspot.com/


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