LSB December 2015 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting Agenda December 12, 2015 11am-4pm SEIU Local 1021 100 Oak St., Oakland CA Item # Time* Item Est start time 1 Call to Order 11:00 AM 2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM 3 5 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM 4 5 Approve Minutes 11:10 AM 5 … Continued

When people think of revolutionary self-organizing and action, they probably don’t think about West Virginia. But the region has a deep history of violent confrontation to the bosses and corporations that profit from coal and destroy workers and the environment in the process; from the “Mine Wars” of the early 20th Century, to the recent … Continued

Support Those Facing Charges Here *Note: This podcast was recorded right after Sophia Wilansky was attacked by the police and it is falsely stated in the recording that her arm was going to be amputated. Despite this claim, after many extensive surgeries the arm was in fact saved. We apologize for any misinformation, but at … Continued

As tens of thousands took to the streets following the election of Donald Trump, conflicts quickly broke out between demonstrators that carried out confrontational and disruptive tactics and those who wanted things to ‘return to normal.‘ Often, these “peace police” carried with them the same logic as held by the State and police forces so … Continued