As low income renters continue to receive rent increases of $200-500. a month, people with disabilities and others on fixed incomes live in fear of becoming homeless. Raising the rent, as they skirt or ignore laws meant to protect tenants, is the corporate landlord way.
But, some of them are getting organized. In California, the cities of Richmond and Santa Rosa, pressured by grassroots organizations, recently added rent control to their agenda. Others are also looking at new protections for renters.
Doyle Saylor of the Alameda Renters Coalition, James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union & Robin Earth of the Berkeley Center for Independent Living join Eddie Ytuarte. They tell us about the suffering, discuss solutions, and take a look inside the movements that may resuscitate local rent control ordinances.
Oh sure. Rent control has worked *everywhere* it’s been implemented.
Well, providing you get in early and never move.
Other than that…
You’re screwed.