This Saturday, the longest running disability film festival in the world begins. Whether online or in person, you’re sure to see diverse, unabashed and engaging cinema. In the two decades of Pushing Limits, we’ve watched the ethos of disability organizing from the 1970s be embraced by a new generation of disabled cultural workers and organizations. Superfest’s … Continued

Well, it’s time to dust off the old philosophy of ethics textbook. This week’s program takes a look at the Eugenics movement in the United States with Michael Rembis, Director of the Center for Disabilities at the University at Buffalo. According to his profile on the University at Buffalo’s website, “Rembis’ research interests include the history of institutionalization, … Continued

Landlords still tell people with disabilities that they cannot have their service dogs or other service animals in their homes. They continue to disregard state and federal laws or — perhaps they are just plain ignorant. Michelle Uzeta joins us to talk to our resident housing expert, Eddie Ytuarte, about landlord resistance to service animals … Continued

Pushing Limits

Blindness in the Early USSR – Pushing Limits – June 2, 2023

Early disability activism did not only arise in the United States or in the countries of the United Kingdom.  The Soviet Union, shortly after the 1918 revolution, also witnessed a nascent disability movement.  That movement differs significantly from disability advancements in other countries and in later decades. In this edition of Pushing Limits, Maria Galamarini … Continued