The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

The San Quentin News – The Ralph Nader Radio Hour – September 4, 2023

Ralph welcomes newspaper publisher, Steve McNamara, to discuss the “San Quentin News,” California’s largest inmate-run newspaper and the birthplace of the San Quentin News Forum— where incarcerated men and visiting police, attorneys, and judges share their perspectives on the criminal justice system. Then Peter Lurie, President of the Center for Science in the Public Interest … Continued

The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

The False Promise of Small Nuclear Reactors – The Ralph Nader Radio Hour – August 21, 2023

Ralph is joined by M.V. Ramana, professor at the “School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia,” to lay out the false promise of small nuclear reactors, which still carry the risk of accidents, still produce waste, still produce plutonium for the weapons industry and are still economically noncompetitive with wind and … Continued

The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Financing Co-ops – The Ralph Nader Radio Hour – August 14, 2023

Ralph welcomes the CEO of the National Cooperative Bank, Casey Fannon to discuss his bank’s work serving cooperatives and other member-owned organizations. The NCB helps finance affordable housing, healthy food, renewable energy, small businesses, community-driven health care, and non-profit organizations and generally advises cooperatives around the country on how to build and grow. Plus, Ralph … Continued

Ralph welcomes Sherry Turkle, Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT and an expert on culture and therapy, mobile technology, social networking, and sociable robotics to talk about our addictions to screens and how to break out of them. Plus, our resident constitutional scholar, Bruce Fein, opens the program with everything … Continued

The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Wonder Drug – The Ralph Nader Radio Hour – July 31, 2023

Ralph spends the whole hour with Jennifer Vanderbes, author of “Wonder Drug: The Secret History Of Thalidomide In America And Its Hidden Victims.” Thalidomide was never “commercially available” in the U.S., but American doctors handed out samples to patients even though no one could prove the drug was safe. Or could definitively say what the … Continued

The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Powering Young Voices and Votes – The Ralph Nader Radio Hour – July 17, 2023

Ralph welcomes Maxim Thorne director of the non-partisan Civic Influencers, an organization that trains young people to inspire their peers to vote and therefore swing elections toward issues they care about and also fights “generational gerrymandering,” efforts by certain states to make it harder for 18 to 29-year-olds to vote. Plus, Ralph gives his take … Continued