Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – July 17, 2006

Host Jackie Barshak will discuss body image acceptance, fat discrimination and liberation, the politics of body size and shape oppression, the tyranny of slenderness and the diet industry with guests Laura Fraser, author of "Losing It:America’s Obsession with Weight and the Industry that Feeds on it"; cultural anthropologist Margaret McKenzie, and Colorlines Magazine’s Tammy Johnson. … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – July 10, 2006

KPFA’s Women’s Magazine will look at two women spiritual teachers, Arrina Weisman and Cheryl Dawson. Arinna Weisman has studied insight meditation with Ruth Denison and Thich Nhat Hanh and in many other traditions. Locally, she leads LGBT meditation retreats at Spirit Rock and she is the co-author of the book, "A Beginner’s Guide to Insight … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – July 3, 2006

Theme: Women’s Studies. Today’s show will feature two different talks presented at the 27th National Women’s Studies Association Conference held in Oakland last week. The theme of this year’s conference was Locating Women’s Studies: Formations of Power and Resistance and looked at mothering as resistance, aspects of empire building and globalization, race theory and feminist … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – June 19, 2006

In celebration of Queer Pride we discuss whether the Gay Marriage movement is really the direction Queers want to move in. We look at some of the conservative, and even racist aspects of the "Gay Marriage" movement and examine what a more progressive movement would look like. We talk to N.Y.U. Professor Lisa Duggan, author … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – June 12, 2006

Radical feminism need not be humorless, and to prove it Jackie Barshak spoke to three funny women: Sherry Glaser, Aundre Herron and Betsy Salkind. We play clips from their performances as they talk about what makes us laugh. Also, Zeina Zaatari speaks to Eileen Kuttab from the Institute of Women’s Studies at Birzeit University about … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – June 5, 2006

Women’s Magazine talks to two organizers of the art show "Interrupted Life: Incarcerated Mothers in the United States," currently showing at New College, Rickie Solinger and Helene Vosters, as well as two formerly incarcerated mothers: Angela Wilson, who now teaches theater in jails and prisons, and Linda Walker, an activist with All of Us or … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – May 15, 2006

This Monday May 15th at 1pm on KPFA radio 94.1 the Women’s Magazine will be offering the film "Raise Your Voice" as a thank you gift. This film is a moving documentary about the all-female African American a cappella group "Sweet Honey in the Rock." Sweet Honey is an experience like no other. Together for … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – May 8, 2006

This Monday, May 8th on Women’s Magazine we will talk to two independent women filmakers about their films that will be showing in the Bay Area this week. Preeti Shekar talks to Linda Mandrayar, about her film "White Rainbow", a film that explores the oppression and exploitation of widows in Indian society and will be … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – May 1, 2006

For May Day, this Monday May 1st, KPFA’s Women’s Magazine will celebrate immigrant women and look at some issues facing imigrant women in these anti-immigrant and anti-worker times. We will have an interview with Marisa Franco from San Francisco’s "POWER" about their Women Workers Project and an interview with Carmela Bramila, an organizer with the … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – April 17, 2006

Women correspondents who covered the war in Iraq will join us by phone. May Ying Welch, freelancing with Al-Jezeera, Marie Colvin of the Sunday Times London, Hannah Allam with Knight Ridder and others will talk about the perspective that women bring to the coverage of the war. Marking the 57th anniversary of KPFA we host … Continued