Saudi Arabia announces an end to its month-long bombing of Houthi rebels in Yemen. The small Gulf nation has come a long way since Arab Spring Uprisings overthrew then president Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012. Today, a host of Islamist militias have begun to operate from the territory, attracting the attention of major power players … Continued


Up Front with Friday Host Marie Choi – Save E. 12th, Octavia’s Brood – April 20, 2015

Oakland residents are gathering right now at the Lake Merritt Ampitheater for Pray 4 The Land: An Interfaith Community Gathering to protest the development of a luxury apartment building on City-owned land in the Eastlake neighborhood.  The deal has been in the works for years between developer Urban Core and the City of Oakland — … Continued

A new investigation shows how anti-terror officers in the California Highway Patrol monitored Black Lives Matter activists over social media and embedded armed plainclothes officers in demonstrations. Plus: The European Union has brought anti-trust charges against Google — is Europe going to have a different Internet from us? Finally, seismologists say the fault running right … Continued

A deep dive into how we have been changing our laws, our police, and our courts, to treat poverty like a crime: the return of debtors’ prisons, the privatization of probation, and the reason why four million Californians have their drivers’ licenses suspended right this minute–and their numbers are growing by nearly half a million … Continued


Up Front with Friday Host Marie Choi: Agribusiness’ Role in CA Drought, Erica Garner, Mumia Abu-Jamal – April 10, 2015

A report by NASA earlier this month showed that California only has one year of water left in its reservoirs. It’s set off alarm bells across the state.  All of us being told to take shorter showers and water our gardens less.  But what about the state’s biggest water users? Agribusiness companies account for 80% … Continued