Less than a year and a half ago, an insurgent political movement in Greece was the toast of the international left. The new Syriza party had won a landslide election, promising to throw off the policies of austerity and privatization that had been demanded by creditors managing the terms of bailouts for the country’s heavily-indebted … Continued

Six years ago Andy Stern was the head of one of the country’s largest, most powerful, and fastest-growing unions. He had visited the Obama White House more than any other outsider. And then, he announced he was quitting. Since then, one of his major projects has been exploring the questions of what happens when work … Continued

Bernie Sanders ran on his opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership. Hillary Clinton came out against it during the campaign. So why did the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee kill a plank opposing it? We talk to John Nichols about the the politics of platforms, and the likelihood of floor fights at the Democratic National Convention. … Continued