On today’s show, we discuss a recently introduced bill that would decriminalize HIV status with Senator Scott Wiener (district 11 representative who authored the bill) and Raymond Brickhouse (co-chair of the People Living With HIV/AIDS Committee with the Aids Project of the East Bay). Source: Flickr

On today’s show, we hear an interview with Kevin Johnson (professor of public interest law and Chicano studies at UC Davis) about the Ninth Circuit ruling against Trump’s travel ban. Then, we talk to Philip Berenbroick (Public Interest) and Julie Todaro (the American Library Association) about Trump’s FCC appointment and the removal of the Lifeline program.

On today’s show, we hear an interview with Ira Shapiro (author and international trade lawyer) about the deterioration of congress as a check on presidential power. Then, we talk with Ali Abunimah (co-founder of The Electronic Intifada and author of The Battle for Justice in Palestine) about the new settlements that the Israeli parliament has approved in the … Continued

On today’s show, we hear an interview with Jared Bernstein (Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joseph Biden in the Obama Administration) about attempts to roll back Dodd-Frank. Then, some refreshingly good news. We talk to Jane Kim (SF District 6 representative, chair of the Government Audit and … Continued

On today’s show, we hear an interview with Guardian political reporter Sabrina Siddiqui about the Muslim ban. Then, we talk to Elizabeth Dwoskin (Silicon Valley Correspondent for The Washington Post) about the tech industry under the Trump administration. We also talk to Tiny aka Lisa Gray-Garcia (co-founder and executive director of POOR Magazine/ Poor News Network) about the … Continued

On today’s show, we hear an interview with Larry Cohen (chair of Our Revolution) about the struggle over the direction of the Democratic party. Then, we talk to Hannah Gurman, Associate Professor at New York University’s Gallatin School and author of The Dissent Papers, about the history of the State Department’s dissent channel and how Trump is a threat … Continued

On today’s show, we talk about the leaked religious freedom document that might become an executive order with Luis Gutierrez-Mock (project director at The Center for Excellence for Transgender Health at UCSF). If this order was signed, it would endanger reproductive rights and the LGBTQ community. Then, we learn about resisting government in other parts of the … Continued

On today’s show, Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich talk about the latest in Trumplandia. Then, we discuss Betsy DeVos and the threat she poses to public education with Ryan J. Smith (Executive Director of The Education Trust-West). We also cover action happening locally. Cat Brooks interviewed Katrin Wehrheim (Professor of math at UC Berkeley) about the protests … Continued

On today’s show, Mitch Jeserich talks to Tyson Slocum (Public Citizen) about the selection of Trump’s cabinet. Then, Cat Brooks discusses the controversial speaker Milo Yiannopoulos with Joseph Lavery (Assistant Professor of English at UCB) and Alan-Michael Weatherford (doctoral candidate at Washington University). Yiannopoulos has been invited to speak at UC Berkeley this week, which has sparked fierce … Continued