Did you know US Prisons isolate inmates in cells the size of bathrooms for up to 23 hours per day? Salima Hamirani talks to Keramet Reiter about the history of prisoner isolation, and the rise of the Supermax Prison. Guests: Keramet Reiter, assistant professor of Law at the University of California, Irvine; author of 23/7: Pelican Bay Prison … Continued

Today guest host Philip Maldari talks to Nick Dearden of Global Justice Now about preparations for the G20 protests in Hamburg, Germany. Then host Cat Brooks interviews Bernard Harcourt, political theorist and professor at Columbia Law School about his book “Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age.” The book explains how digital technology is breaking … Continued

On today’s show, guest host Philip Maldari interviews Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePink and author of the book “Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection. Benjamin speaks about the U.S. war machine and our current situation in the Middle-East.  Medea’s latest piece with co-author Kate Harveston is “Sorry, Meals on Wheels, Our War Machine Is Hungry.”  … Continued

On today’s show, host Cat Brooks interviews Wesley Lowery, author of the book “They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement.” Lowery was the Washington Post’s lead reporter in Ferguson in 2014, and his book tries to tackle the magnitude of police violence on black people, and what these … Continued

Today host Cat Brooks interviews University of Wyoming Gender & Women’s Studies Professor Susan Dewey, co-author of the book “Women of the Street: How the Criminal Justice-Social Services Alliance Fails Women in Prostitution” with Tonia St. Germain. The book explores encounters between those who make their living by engaging in street-based prostitution, and the criminal justice … Continued

On today’s show Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich are joined by Robert Pollin to discuss ways the single payer health system can funded. Indeed, yesterday the Healthy California Act, or SB 562, has been pulled from further consideration this year by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. Robert Pollin is Distinguished Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Political … Continued

On today’s show Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich speak of the healthcare senate bill, and the disrupted Oakland City Council. In the second half of the show they interview Scott Michelman, senior staff attorney with the ACLU of DC and Shay Horse, independent photojournalist that was arrested on Inauguration Day, about the lawsuit that challenges excessive force, … Continued

On today’s episode hosts Cat Brooks and Mitch Jeserich talk to Ruth Conniff, editor-in-chief of The Progressive magazine, about the healthcare bill that the senate is attempting to push through before its July 4th recess. Then Brooks and Jeserich interview Maria Noel Fernandez, the director of the Silicon Valley Rising Campaign, about the negotiations Google is attempting to enter … Continued