In a stacked, post-holiday show we feature: Judith Mirkinson, chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition, explains why the new comfort woman memorial in San Francisco is so important, because it helps people understand what’s happening today and plan for the future. But that understanding is controversial, the Japanese government is petitioning SF to take it … Continued

Pratap Chatterjee, Executive Director of CorpWatch,  and co-author of “Verax: The True History of Whistleblowers, Drone Warfare, and Mass Surveillance: A Graphic Novel:” From a prize-winning journalist and the co-author of the best-selling Zahra’s Paradise, a sweeping graphic history of electronic surveillance from 9/11 to the latest drone strike 9/11 not only marked the worst domestic terror … Continued

Julie McEnery is a NASA Project Scientist and Astrophysicist, and describes what she says is a major breakthrough in astrophysics and the most extraordinary scientific event of her career: this year, scientists heard the universe for the first time. The witnessed two neutron stars circle and circle, and smash into each other with such force that … Continued

As debate and discussion about Net Neutrality and the political implications of its dismantling continue, Timothy Karr, the Senior Director of Strategy at Free Press joins UpFront this morning. The Free Press is preparing a lawsuit to challenge the Federal Communications Commission’s dismantling of net neutrality and launching a campaign to demand that Congress overturn the … Continued

Ziad Abbas is a journalist, educator and Program Manager for Cross-Cultural Programs at the Middle East Children’s Alliance. He is a Palestinian refugee from the West Bank and he joins UpFront to discuss what is shifting politically in Palestine. Afterwards, Michelle de Vera and Terrance Lee, sister-in-law and brother of Paul Wilber Lee, join us on the air … Continued

In the 6 part documentary from Icarus films, stockbroker David Ricardo and demographer Thomas Malthus are discussed in their historical economic context and for their influence. Following this discussion, the documentary covers the critique that Marx offered of capitalism and its technical underpinnings. This episode is part of KPFA’s fund drive! KPFA is community supported public … Continued