This morning we speak with Sandy Close, the Executive Editor and Director of New American Media a national collaboration ethnic news organizations, about New American Media’s recent closure and what that means for progressive media in California and around the nation. Liza Osetinskaya updates us about Russian media, and Russia’s purported interference in American politics. Afterwards, host Cat Brooks … Continued

In the wake of the vote for Virginia Governor, UpFront speaks with John Nichols and Jeff Schapiro. Nichols is the Washington Correspondent for The Nation, and Schapiro has a long running career as a political columnist for columnist for The Richmond Times-Dispatch. John Nichols’ article in The Nation discusses some of the electoral outcomes emerging from yesterday’s vote. … Continued

This morning, after the resignation of the Saudi-Allied Lebanese Prime Minister, the country was thrown into additional political turmoil. We speak with Rania Masri, Lebanese-American academic, activist, human rights advocate and professor of environmental science professor, who currently in Beirut about the situation. In light of ongoing events in the US, mass-shooting and targeted violence, … Continued

On Monday morning’s episode of UpFront, our hosts Cat Brooks and Brian Edwards Tiekert speak with Jacob Leibenluft, Senior Advisor at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, who informs us of the detail of the proposed GOP tax plan. Congressmember Jerry McNerney represents California’s 9th District, which includes parts of San Joaquin, Contra Costa, and … Continued

Friday Host Salima Hamirani speaks with Ivan Jaigirdar, from the Third i Film Festival, about 15 years of South East Asian film. Myo Win and Jeanne Hallacy talk about their documentary film Sittwe, about the Rohingya refugee crisis. Liz Martinez from CIVIC – Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement – discusses Immigration and Customs Enforcement destroying … Continued

EncampmentThis morning, as Senate hearings regarding Russian involvement in President Trump’s election proceed, we speak with Elizabeth Dwoskin, The Washington Post’s Silicon Valley Correspondent who is in Washington DC covering the hearings. Continued coverage of the eviction of the Here There encampment by Ashby Bart in Berkeley brings us  an interview with EmilyRose Johns, an attorney with Siegel, Yee … Continued

This morning’s segment begins with local coverage from UpFront Producer and journalist Lucy Kang, who is on site with updates about the hearing regarding the Here There encampment by Ashby Bart and their pending injunction against an eviction notice served by Bay Area Rapid Transit. Next we hear from Laurel Lucia, director of the Health Care … Continued

This morning’s episode covers the declared independence of Catalonia from Spain, and the political push back and consequences. Sebastiaan Faber, Professor of Hispanic Studies at Oberlin College and author of Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War, speaks with KPFA about the nuances of the situation as tensions heighten. Trumps former campaign manager Paul Manafort, as … Continued

In a recent New York Times article the CIA announced it’s new role in Afghanistan. President Trump has allowed special kill teams to hunt the Taliban in the region. Friday host Salima Hamirani speaks with Matthew Hoh, a senior fellow with the Center for international Policy about his controversial resignation from his position in the White … Continued