Fund Drive Premium: Disaster Supplies 7am – Deborah Berman Santana is a retired professor of geography and ethnic studies at Mills College. She recently moved back to her native Puerto Rico, and spoke to us from there on the latest since Hurricane Maria.  **She has a list of action points and local organizations to support at … Continued

7am – Selected clips from Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States (2012 – ) The 2012 documentary series is directed, produced, and narrated by Oliver Stone, and about the reasons behind the Cold War, the decision to drop the atomic bombs, and changes in America’s global role since the fall of Communism 8am – Selected clips from Capitalism: A … Continued


Selected Clips from Capitalism and No Gods No Masters: A History of Anarchism (Icarus Films)

7am – Fund Drive Premium: Capitalism: A six-part series (Icarus Films) CAPITALISM is an ambitious and accessible six-part documentary series that looks at both the history of ideas and the social forces that have shaped the capitalist world. Blending interviews with some of the world’s great historians, economists, anthropologists, and social critics (view the complete list of … Continued

7:08 – Healing Justice is the most recent film out by producer and director Shakti Butler of World Trust Educational Services and deals with the problems of our current system of criminal justice and alternatives. 8:25 – Michele E. Lee is the author of Working the Roots: Over 400 Years of Traditional African-American Healing This episode is part of KPFA’s … Continued

As part of our ongoing Fund Drive at KPFA, this morning UpFront will play selections from “Voices That Changed the World Pacifica Radio Archives Audio,” Over 1000 hours of audio, including the “James Baldwin, Complete Collection.” with 14 hours of Baldwin recorded by KPFA. This morning’s clips are from his speech, “Living and Growing in a … Continued

  7:08 – the History of Anarchism – excerpts from the film NO GODS NO MASTERS, by Icarus Films, is a sympathetic history of a century of anarchist thought and practice, featuring leading historians and essayists, dramatic archival footage, and lively commentary that keeps the subject engaging. Divided into sections each based on key events, NO GODS NO … Continued

7:08 – Shannon Young, (@SYoungReports) an independent journalist based in Oaxaca City, speaks with us about the devastating earthquake in Mexico this past year.  Andrew Alden, (@aboutgeology) science writer, founder of a weekly blog on the geology of Oakland and former United States Geological Survey technical editor, discusses the fault lines surrounding the Bay Area and … Continued

7:08 – Malcolm X – Celebrating the 53rd anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, we bring you excerpts from his iconic speech The Ballot or the Bullet at King Solomon Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan on April 12, 1964. He would’ve been 92 years old today. 8:08 – Betty Reid Soskin is a Ranger with the National Park Service, assigned … Continued