The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – January 19, 2006

On the eve of Venus’ re-emergence from the Underworld (helical rise tomorrow), we rededicate ourselves to the dynamic beauty of a wise culture cooperating ingeniously with nature by welcoming collaborative eco-architects Aurora Mahassine and Paul Kephart sharing their beautiful and useful work of environmental design in urban settings… living walls, roofs and more. Heartening and … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – December 1, 2005

On this New Moon, diving towards the Winter Solstice, we remember that "the essence of play is to become one with the possible." In that spirit Caroline is joined by sky-based astrologer Daniel Giamario ( to further explore the story and consequent strategy of now, as indigenous peoples would do, honoring the Mars and Venus … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – November 24, 2005

We begin today’s broadcast with 20 minutes of Caroline’s show with mycologist Paul Stamets, whose latest book, "Mycelium Running,. How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World," delineates the ingenious ways we can collaborate with nature to resolve the innumerable irreverent crises we’ve created as a species… 1:20 pm – 3:00 pm we segue into Caroline’s … Continued