The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist – Vernal Equinoctial Magnetizing Memospheric Mojo

Caroline opens up our vernal by riffing on Mars and Venus, Pope Francis, and Bradley Manning, in cahoots, dree-ing their weird, with the covert chart of America. We welcome the return of fellow astro-mytho- cultural change artist Daniel Giamario, that we may conjure and animate the presiding Co-Operators who are Standing by!

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist – Valentine’s Day

Satchmo & Groucho (cannabis enthusiasts) Radio: Restoring-Increasing our cahooting intimacy with hemp and cannabis.Caroline welcomes for the first smudge, John Roulac, to speak to us of hemp, Valentine’s Day and GMO’s to beware.Followed by Martin Lee, author of completely great:”Smoke Signals, A Social History of Marijuana,” that we all be restoring sane, creative, collaborative reverence … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist – Caroline hosts John Trudell!

Guiding myths:Those who journey back from the Underworld earn the right to be agents of the Cultural Trickster Redeemer. Dedicated, coherent, prolific, inspiring, AIM leader, poet troubadour, now agent of hemp -John encourages us to “develop loyalty to this planet,” by “cultivating coherence” whereby to be influential at this time of Dire Beauty.  Hempstead Project … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist – Mid-Winter Illumination

Providing Light for Those Providing Light: Bradley Manning. Caroline hosts Kevin Gosztola,co-author of the book Truth and Consequences: The US vs. Bradley Manning and a writer for covers WikiLeaks, whistleblowing, the US drone program, the surveillance state and various civil liberties issues.

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist – January 24, 2013

On-going Inauguration Augury:Who Stole the American Dream, and how we can animate a larger better global guiding dream of collaborative kinship Caroline hosts Hedrick Smith, Pullitzer Prize winning reporter, Emmy Award-winnig producer, NY Times reporter, PBS producer, author of “The Russians”, “The Power Game” and now, “Who Stole the American Dream,” that we may fully … Continued