The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Re-Examining the Constitution

Political and Catastrophic Climate Chaos, join with Caroline in welcoming Robert Ovetz, author of “We the Elites -Why the US Constitution serves the few.”   Ovetz examines the Constitution for what it is – a rulebook for elites to protect capitalism from democracy. Social movements have misplaced faith in the Constitution as a tool for … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Archive: Ukrainian Earth Story Trickster Magic

Replaying interview with Max Dashu earlier this year ~ Ukrainian Earth Story Trickster Magic: A rollicking, raucous rambling playful, cahoot betwixt Caroline and Max Dashu, Keeper of Suppressed Histories Archives, erudite fantabulous history mythic scholar guide, as we delve into the deep magic of the Slavic world, the animism of Ukraine, how it hums everywhere. … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Dark o Moon Dark o Year

As the Mythic is suffusing incarnational actuality, Caroline welcomes the return of Sophie Strand, author of “The Flowering Wand – re-wilding the Sacred Masculine.” “Put down the sword, and pick up the wand!” for on-going Solstice Magic. Sophie Strand is a poet, writer who syncretizes her vast Sagittarian Inquiry, collages, spiralling forth, like her beloved … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Honoring Stephen Buhner

Fund Drive Honoring Stephen Buhner, practicing botanical animist, polymath, who went back-stage, December 8th, and re-guesting Stephen’s herbal bardic colleague, Sean Padraic O’Donoghue that we may embrace the assignment Stephen be handing to us…playing excerpts from 2 shows with Stephen (Included in our premium audio collection..) and touting his fantabulous book, “Plant Intelligence & the … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Partnering with our Ingenious Beaver Kin

Caroline welcomes Leila Philip author of “Beaverland” a consummate history and guide to our Ingenious kin, Beaver People, their travails, and resilient return… who fire-proof the land… contribute to community well-being… If we just approach the world with Reverent Curiosity, “What’s your story?!” why then, we humans would rejoin the choreography of creation, and be ok … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Micro-dosing vastness

Caroline Welcomes Michael Stocker, Marine bio-acoustician, writer, musician,  that we may invoke an Oceanic response to dissolve human hubris, in the salve of sanity…. To protect the Ocean – let’s become more like the Ocean…. and weave dedication for collective well-being into… all of our thoughts, words, deeds… an acoustician by trade, and a musician … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Feast of Gratitude

Caroline Welcomes the return of Sarah Wolcott and Kristine Hill, gathering to brew a metaphoric feast of Gratitude, as Jupiter the Intelligence of Giving Thanks, Blessing, & Story stations, in its Piscean realm. So Thanks Giving be redemptively real now. Metaphor, myth and music, be the incarnational garb whereby Power enters the world. Jupiter stations … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Election Metaphoric Response & Ritual

Caroline re-hosts Sean Padraig O’Donoghue, herbalist, Bard, wizard, writer part of our Rapid Metaphoric Response Team…as we be Diving into the Dark, yet “in the mood for a good mood;” with our cauldron into which we toss poisonous cruelty, that it be dissolved from the human repertoire, and from which we ladle liberating blessing… This … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Gen Z & Democracy

Caroline welcomes Gen Z Activist, Victor Shi for on-going election encouragement, honoring the participatory up-welling of youth vote, necessary for Democracy, hence Earth to survive… All generations contributing their customized cultural woof. Who brought what to this Renaissance? And for the second half of our show, returning political ally, Patricia Ewing to continue the discussion. Twitter @VictorShi2020 Youngest Biden Delegate 2020 and … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Election Magic Radio

Caroline hosts long-time indefatigable ally of all life, Star Hawk, whose life-long dedication has been a syncretizing of the political magical realms: myriad ways to participate. Let’s feel ourselves in resonant accord with the Choreography of Creation. “Tyrants don’t care if they are hated – as long as the people don’t love the Earth.” We … Continued