The Visionary Activist Show
2:00 PM Pacific Time: Thursdays
Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.
The Visionary Activist Show – May 26, 2005
Part 2 of Caroline cavorting with the calm, lucid organized 9/11 author, David Ray Griffin (recently on c-span twice), concentrating on his second book – The 9/11 Commission Report – Omissions and Distortions. That most recent book as well as his first book, The New Pearl Harbor, and an excellent DVD of a talk given … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – May 19, 2005
Global Democracy and 9/11 Today Neptune stations, appears to stand still from the earth’s perspective, mythologically beaming down its themes into the collective field – the intelligence of truthful vision to dissolve its toxic mimic of distracting illusion. So, Caroline welcomes guest David Ray Griffin for part One, focusing on his book, The New Pearl … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – May 12, 2005
Today Caroline welcomes the return of her favorite author of pertinent necessary, ironic compassion, and intrigue – Buddhist Noir detective fiction author John Burdett (author of Bangkok 8)… With his latest book, Bangkok Tattoo as premium…. vertical horizontal story-telling including the healing of craziness of Farangs (Westerners) and US "foreign policy" with the help of … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – April 28, 2005
"Jump Up and Live Again, to feed the starving Divine in a time of stinginess, hatred and fear," so sayeth one of our favorite guest/allies, Martin Prechtel, who returns today to cavort with Caroline, that we may leave the nightmare realm of bad crazy exile isolation kerfuffle, and rejoin the Community of Good Crazy Creation..
The Visionary Activist Show – April 21, 2005
As the Sun enters Taurus, we are guided to compost grouchy despair over the innumerable irreverent cruel crises that we as a species have inflicted upon the world, into sensual alliance with nature. Critique and Vision. We are abetted in this quest by guests: famed author Mollie Katzen, and film-maker, Deborah Koons Garcia, whose film, … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – April 14, 2005
Remembering that personal and collective strategic advantage goes to those cultivating intimacy with metaphor, vision, myth, Caroline is joined by story-telling mentor Michael Meade (www.mosaicvoices.org). Together we will animate Fate and Destiny, the title of his current works, (which he will be presenting this night, April 14th, 7:00 PM Alexander Hall, SF Theological Seminary, 105 … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – March 31, 2005
Activist art of shape-shifting. If we advocate for wolves, let’s become more like wolves. Advocate for libraries, animate their wealth. Continuing to tease the implications from Caroline’s Equinox Address, "Re-dedicating to Dynamic Beauty," www.visionaryactivism.com (portions of which were aired last week -March 24th-, and different excerpts next week April 7th) we are reminded that when … Continued