Living Room – September 29, 2005
Molly Ivins on Tom DeLay’s indictment—oh yeah! And New Orleans Yoruba and Voodoo priestess Ava Kay Jones joins Luisa Teish to tell stories of storms and ceremony. Wiht host Kris Welch, noon to one.
12:00 PM Pacific Time: Fridays
What’s in the news, what’s behind what’s in the news, what’s not in the news that should be in the news—and who’s doing what about it, here and now. Celebration and support from our vibrant, diverse community. Hosted by Kris Welch.
Molly Ivins on Tom DeLay’s indictment—oh yeah! And New Orleans Yoruba and Voodoo priestess Ava Kay Jones joins Luisa Teish to tell stories of storms and ceremony. Wiht host Kris Welch, noon to one.
The latest news live from Houston, as Rita approaches. Plus Medea Benjamin reporting from Washington D.C., where thousands are gathering for the largest anti-war rally in years. Then: they held elections in Germany but nobody won! How is this possible? And what does it mean?
Hurricane Rita is heading for Houston: we’ll talk witih our sister station there. Then, a report from occupied Haiti, from the children’s jail. And finally, gender, race, class, disability and U.S.-Cuba relations, with playwright/performer Teresa Walsh.
What do we do when the federal agency designed to deal with disasters, is itself a disaster? FEMA from the inside. PLUS: While voters are horrified by Katrina, Congress is moving to cut $35B in domestic programs in the next weeks—to make room for Bush’s $100B in tax cuts. What can you do? Call 1-800-426-8073 … Continued
The Mirror that is Katrina In the richest, most diverse, godliest country in the world, we’re seeing abject poverty, horrific racism, hideous immorality. With host Kris Welch, and your phone calls, noon to one.
Move America Forward sponsored a caravan to Crawford Texas, to protest—Cindy Sheehan. They also sponsored a "Truth Tour" to Iraq. The AP called them "a Bay Area group", but who are they REALLY? We’ll find out. With host Kris Welch, noon to one.
The most obvious victims of Iraq war spending: the levees of New Orleans. Local officials warned the Bush administration repeatedly over the last lew years, to no avail. We’ll get the details. Plus: a festival of optimistic voices, not a moment too soon. With host Kris Welch, noon to one.
Daniel Ellsberg, Nixon-era whistle-blower with the Pentagon Papers, is back from a meeting with Dubbya whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds. We’ll talk about Karl Rove, and about Iraq. And about the similarities between then and now. Your phoned-in questions welcome. With host Kris Welch.
Despite Pat Robertson and Bush administration threats, Venezuela is a revolution in progress. What are things like on the ground? We’ll talk with Bay Area poets just back from Venezuela. Plus: Beth Lisick’s hysterical, true tales of growing up, from squaresville to Sin City. With host Kris Welch, noon to one.
An update from Crawford, Texas, where hundreds of people have been inspired by one woman to try to speak truth to power. Then it’s a Free Speech Friday: what’s on your mind, what’s in your heart? And speaking of heart, we’ll talk with playwright/performer Ron Jones about enlightenment: you never know when it might strike! … Continued