The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 29, 2007

Is the Economy Ready to Tank? Mark Weisbrot, co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Doug Henwood, editor, publisher of the Left Business Observer David Bacon on Labor Mark Dudzic, national organizer for the Labor Party Donna Dewitt, head of the AFL-CIO in South Carolina Brooke Anderson from EBASE about the Emeryville City Council hearing … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 28, 2007

Alberto Gonzales Resigns Leigh Ann Caldwell, FSRN Washington Correspondent Elizabeth de la Vega, author of "The U.S. V. George W. Bush et al." a former federal prosecutor in Minneapolis and San Jose for 20 years Violence Against Women in South Africa. Prudence Mabele Exec. Dir. @ positive women’s network Carey Johnson, Sr. Africa Specialist – … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 27, 2007

Sanctuary for the Undocumented, The Case of Elvira Arellano Maria Poblete, organizer with the Comite de Vivienda S.Pedro & Centro Sin Fronteras –, Olga Vives, NOW Executive Vice President Poor News Network ACLU report on human rights abuses on the Gulf Coast, 2 years after Katrina Tom Jawetz , staff attorney with the … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 24, 2007

Bill Galvin, counseling coordinator at the Center for Conscience and War, , , G.I. rights hotline, Carl Conetta, co-director of Project on Defense Alternatives "Down in New Orleans, Reflections from a Drowned City," Billy Sothern, is an anti-death penalty lawyer and author of , Which Child Left Behind Monty Neill, Ed.D., Director of the … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 22, 2007

California Budget on the Rocks Frank Russo, Publisher of the California Progressive Report Jean Ross, Dir. Of the California Budget Project David Bacon on Labor Dan Kovalek, United Steel Workers, about the trial of Drummond Coal Co. for the murder of trade union leaders at their mine in Colombia Carl Hall, Chronicle reporter on … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 21, 2007

Canada/Mexico/US, The North American Summit Laura Carlsen, Director of America’s Policy Program based in Mexico City, Rick Arnold, Coordinator for Common Frontiers, (a Canadian Alliance of union,church,environmental and student organizations)in Canada, "What to Eat" Marion Nestle, Prof. of Nutritional Science at NYU Intel Chair, Paul Otellini, Behind Effort to Stop Class Action Law Suits Carmen … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 20, 2007

Code Pink pressures Pelosi and Feinstein to end the war Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange and Code Pink, Nancy Mancias, a hunger striker with Code Pink and Global Exchange “FIASCO-The American Military Adventure in Iraq,” Thomas Ricks, author Toward a just resolution to the Palestine-Israel Conflict Hisham Ahmed, Author of “From Religious Salvation to … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 17, 2007

The Summer of Sports Controversies Dave Zirin, author of Welcome to the "Terrordome: The Pain, Politics and Promise of Sports" Larry Salomon, Professor of Ethnic Studies, SF State University Medical Racism Ellen Wu, Executive Director of California Pan-Ethnic Health Network ( ), California Women’s Music Festival Linda Stonestreet is the founder and producer of the … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 16, 2007

Dangerous Toys from China Patty Davis, spokesperson for the Consumer Product Safety Commission, ( Caroline Cox, Research Director at The Center for Environmental Health, Is the Minnesota Bridge Typical? Infrastructure in America Paul Buchheit, Professor at Chicago City Colleges, co-founder of Global Initiative Chicago ( and the founder of . His article … Continued