Terra Verde

Terra Verde – May 2, 2008

Corporate espionage on environmental organizationsA recent Mother Jones expose revealed spying by corporations against environmental organizations, especially Greenpeace.  Terra Verde’s guests tell us more about the shady strategies some companies are using against environmentalists.

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – April 11, 2008

ChevronTexaco: from Richmond to the AmazonTerre Verde continues its coverage of the Richmond City Council’s decision on the controversial Chevron refinery expansion (listen to March 21 show).  Host Michelle Chan also explores the latest developments in a historic lawsuit filed by indigenous groups against Chevron for its legacy of toxic pollution in the Amazon.

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – March 28, 2008

Clearing the Air at the Port of OaklandThere is mounting concern over air pollution associated with the Port of Oakland and its impact on the health of the community and port workers. Karolo Aparicio interviews Aditi Vaidya with the East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy and Swati Prakash, Director of the Pacific Institute’s Community … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – March 21, 2008

Chevron’s proposing a massive overhaul of its Richmond refinery—Chevron says it would reduce emissions, but community advocates say it’s a de facto expansion that could produce more accidents and pollution. Brian Edwards-Tiekert interviews Greg Karras, a senior scientist with Communities for a Better Environment, and Richmond Mayor Gayle MacGlaughlin.