Terra Verde

Terra Verde – August 16, 2013

Ecotherapy is rooted in the idea that natural outdoor settings are powerful aids to mental health and psychological healing. This idea is backed both by ancient wisdom and modern science. Today we explore the precedents and promise of ecotherapy with Berkeley-based therapists Ariana Candell and Rain Sussman and Jan Edl Stein of the Holos Institute … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – July 19, 2013

Why We Should and How We Can Restore Our Night Skies  Tune in today for a conversation with Chad Moore of the National Park Service’s Night Skies Program, Scott Kardel of the International Dark-Sky Association, and Paul Bogard, author of The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light.

Terra Verde

Beyond Plastics – June 28, 2013

Disposable, single use plastic has become an environmental and public health hazard. Plastic creates toxic pollution at just about every stage of its existence, from manufacture, to use, to disposal. Here’s the good news. We can move beyond our addiction to plastic. Tune in to hear Pam Marcus, an entrepreneurial coach and one of the … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – June 21, 2013

This solstice we honor the invaluable services that natural systems provide to city dwellers and ponder a potential “ecosystem economy.” We discuss strategies to tackle urban and industrial health hazards by “stacking functions” and leveraging the detoxifying effects of green infrastructure, such as living roofs and walls, permeable pavers, trellises, bioswales, rain gardens, constructed wetlands, … Continued