Terra Verde

Terra Verde – September 26, 2014

These days 3D printers are going with astronauts to outer space, creating prosthetic body parts, building up cars and houses, and bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA. On a consumer level, 3D printers produce lots of stuff: toys, jewelry, accessories, home decor, etc. So, what’s the environmental potential of this additive manufacturing approach, relative … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – September 19, 2014

Today on Terra Verde we ask: What place is there for environmental stories in the new, networked, multiplatform, and interactive world of media? How are environmental journalists engaging with the tools of this digital revolution? Hear from Jason Jaacks of UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, Bruno Takahashi of Michigan State’s Knight Center for Environmental … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – August 15, 2014

  You’ve heard about the Ebola virus outbreak, and you probably have a sense of how difficult it can be to identify, track, and control such contagions, what with so many travelers and so much cargo constantly criss-crossing the globe. When bizarre die-offs occur in nature, researchers must determine what kind of pathogen might be … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – July 18, 2014

Nearby Silicon Valley is often celebrated for being a hotbed of innovative tech companies that are making the world a better place. Today we tackle tech from an environmental angle, pinpointing one of the hottest buzzwords of the day: The Internet of Things. The marriage of sensors and software means smart cities, smart roads, smart … Continued