Terra Verde

Why We Say #NOKXL!

Today we discuss the latest news from the struggle over the Keystone XL pipeline. Join Faith Spotted Eagle of the Ihanktonwan Oyate (Yankton Sioux) and No KXL Dakota (nokxldakota.org), cattle rancher Ben Gotschall of Bold Nebraska (@BGotschall boldnebraska.org), and David Turnbull of Oil Change International (@david_turnbull priceofoil.org) with host Laura Garzon Chica (@EarthMediaArts) for a show packed … Continued

Terra Verde

Sustainable Sheltering in the Era of Downsizing

Tune in to hear about trends toward downsizing in housing. Host Laura Garzon Chica (@EarthMediaArts) discusses sustainable sheltering strategies like tiny homes, natural building, and multigenerational living with diverse guests. Architect Bob Theis (bobtheis.net), a strawbuilding pioneer, is working on a project in East Oakland that tailors natural building to the needs of folks opting … Continued