Guest: Phyllis Bennis is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies. Her most recent book is the 7th updated edition of “Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer“.  Her other books include: “Ending the Iraq War: A Primer“,  “Understanding the US-Iran Crisis: A Primer” and “Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy US Power“. … Continued


Black lives still matter! Town Crier!

Not in the headlines, but still in process: people of color dying at the hands of police. Plus: Black lives lost to police violence are honored and celebrated in an art installation. PLUS Raymond Nat Turner, the Town Crier.  Hosted by Kris Welch.


Talkies – May 4, 2021

On today’s Talkies. Guest host Max Pringle speaks with political scientist and author Darrell West about technology, artificial intelligence and governance. AI, and tech in general, have transformed and connected our world in unprecedented ways. But, what does that mean for our societies? Has the technology outpaced our readiness to deal with it in an … Continued


WATER!!!! The Town Crier!

Our planet, our nation,  our state: all in a deep, existential, crisis—of water.  Robert Glennon joins us to tell us how bad it really is, and what can still be done.  PLUS!  Raymond, Nat Turner, with new poetry.  Hosted by Kris Welch.